5 Telltale Signs Your Ex Boyfriend Still Has Feelings For You

Unexpected Contact

Unexpected contact can be both exciting and nerve-wracking when it comes to dating. Whether you’re the one initiating or receiving it, it can leave you feeling uncertain about how to proceed. On the one hand, randomly hearing from someone can bring back fond memories of your time together and make you feel connected again.

On the other hand, if that person only reached out because they were bored or lonely, it may not lead to a positive outcome. The key is to remember that even though unexpected contact can be a pleasant surprise, it doesn’t always mean things will end happily ever after.

Body Language Cues

Body language cues are important to consider when it comes to dating. Paying attention to the body language of your date can give you valuable insight into how they’re feeling and what they may be thinking.

Eye contact is a key body language cue that can reveal a lot about someone’s interest level. When someone looks at you, holds their gaze for several seconds, and then looks away with a smile or smirk, this could signal that they are interested in you. If your date avoids eye contact or seems uncomfortable how to send a picture on ashley madison when making eye contact, this could be an indication of shyness or disinterest.

Unresolved Feelings

Unresolved feelings are a common experience when it comes to dating. They can be difficult to navigate and often leave us feeling confused and frustrated. Unresolved feelings are those that have not been fully explored or expressed, leaving us with a mix of emotions that can range from confusion and anxiety to anticipation and excitement.

When we experience unresolved feelings in relationships, it is click for source often because we do not know how to express them effectively or feel too afraid or embarrassed to do so. We may also struggle to let go of past experiences which may lead us to project these unresolved issues onto others, making it difficult for both parties in the relationship as well as for the relationship itself.


If you’re looking for signs that your ex-boyfriend still has feelings for you, look no further than Milfaholic! This dating app makes it easy to find out if he’s still into you by connecting you with other singles who have been in the same boat.

It’s a great way to get an honest read on his intentions and feelings without having to ask him directly. Plus, with its user-friendly interface and helpful support staff, Milfaholic is an invaluable resource for navigating those tricky post-breakup emotions!


If you’re looking for signs that your ex still has feelings for you, DateMyAge is the perfect place to start. With its straightforward, user-friendly interface and intuitive matching algorithms, it makes it easy to find potential dates who fit your preferences. Whether you’re looking for a casual fling or something more serious, this site will help you find what you’re looking for.

Plus, with their helpful customer service team and free trial offer, there’s no reason not to give DateMyAge a try. The only downside? You might just end up rekindling an old flame!


When it comes to signs that your ex-boyfriend still has feelings for you, the popular dating app Passion.com can be a great tool to help you determine if there is still a spark between the two of you. After all, people often use online dating apps like Passion.com when their relationships have ended and they are looking for new love connections. If your ex is using Passion.com, it could be an indication that he’s hoping to find someone special with which he can rekindle his feelings for you or explore new possibilities in his love life.


HeatedAffairs is a great dating app for anyone looking to rekindle an old flame or explore a new relationship. It’s easy to use and offers both free and paid services so you can find the perfect match for whatever your intentions may be.

However, it also has some unique features that make it an invaluable resource for those trying to figure out if their ex-boyfriend still has feelings for them. With its sophisticated search feature, users can quickly filter through profiles of potential matches to find someone who might be an ideal match based on their age, gender, location, interests, and more.

Making an Effort to Reconnect

Making an effort to reconnect can be one of the most rewarding aspects of dating. Taking the initiative to reach out and make plans with your partner is a great way to show that you care.

It doesn’t have to be anything grand or complicated—even something as simple as sending a text or making a phone call can go a long way in showing your partner that you care about them, and are willing to put in the effort for them.

In addition to just reaching out, it’s also important to set aside time for quality experiences together.

Could all those missed calls and text messages be a sign my ex still has feelings for me?

It’s possible that your ex still has feelings for you if they are calling and texting. However, it could also be a sign of confusion or indecision, so it’s important to pay attention to the content of their messages and calls. If they are asking how you’re doing, reminiscing about shared memories, or expressing regret over the breakup, then this could be a sign that they still have strong feelings for you.

Could his sudden reappearance in my life mean he’s trying to win me back?

It is possible that your ex’s sudden reappearance in your life is a sign that he wants to win you back. However, it could also mean something else entirely. It could be that he simply misses the friendship you shared or even that he is looking for closure on the relationship. The best way to find out for sure is by having an open and honest conversation with him about his intentions.